Join us to feed over 200 homeless and hungry visitors of the Friendship park.
This is a fully volunteer funded and ran effort.
We provide food, supplies, and service, so volunteers and donors are what makes this meal possible.
Suggested list of donations:
24 harboiled eggs (in their original carton)
24 cheese sticks (any kind)
24 peices of fruit (not bananas)
24 granola bars (preferaby soft)
24 sandwiches (individually wrapped)
Other than food:
personal care and hygiene products (including female specific)
reusable water containers (used, new, plastic, glass, metal)
clothes (especially pants and jackets in the winter)
All monetary donations are tax-deductible.
Please visit (write Breakfast Program in the Notes)
Or mail a check to Diamond Light at 2791 24th St. Sacramento, CA 95818
Feel free to email with any and all questions, suggestions, ideas, and inspirations.
Invite your friends and family!
Serving is fun and incredibly fulfilling!