Have you been seeking a way to contribute to your community? Do you see the people in need yet feel helpless to truly make a difference? If you are like many of us, you want to help yet wonder how the small amount of time and money you have to give could make a difference in the lives of one yet alone hundreds?
Here is how what you have to give, no matter how small, can indeed help someone with less.
Join us the third Friday of each month as we feed 200+ homeless and hungry guests at the newly reconstructed Friendship Park! We are a volunteer program of the Diamond Light Tibetan Buddhist Group, a non-profit dedicated to education, meditation, and direct action for the well-being of all.
If you want to be a part of the change for the better in your world, come out or contribute to our monthly Breakfast!
Each month we provide a hot breakfast including:
Hot Oatmeal with raisins and nuts
Hardboiled Eggs
Fresh Fruit
When we get them, we also provide reusable tote-bags, drinking cups, and rain ponchos.
To sign up to donate food and/or help serve breakfast, visit http://signup.com/go/TrxPAc
or email: breakfastprogramsac@gmail.com
**All donations are tax deductible**
Donate online at https://www.diamondlightsac.org/donate/
OR mail your check to:
Diamond Light
2791 24th St.
Sacramento, CA 95818
**Please write “Breakfast Program” in the Message online or the Memo on the check.
You might be surprised by how many of your friends, family members, and co-workers are waiting for an opportunity to contribute! Even your employer or a local business might be craving to participate and give back, but just don’t know where or how. Invite them to our page https://www.facebook.com/BreakfastProgramSac/ and our event!
This is a fully volunteer funded and created effort – volunteers provide food, supplies, and service.
Without your kindness and generosity there is no breakfast!
For your ease in donating, all food and supply donations can be dropped off the day before.
For more information please comment, message, or email to breakfastprogramsac@gmail.com
With Biggest Gratitude,
Pamela Rasada
Volunteer Coordinator for the Diamond Light Breakfast Program
Average needs for Friday breakfast:
4 cases of bananas
500 hardboiled eggs
10 lb of oatmeal
brown sugar, cinnamon, nuts, raisins
300 paper bags #6
250 spoons
250 bowls
salt and pepper packets
3-8 volunteers
Average need for Sunday breakfast:
1 case of bananas
100 hard boiled eggs
50 sandwiches (any)
50 paper bags #6
1-4 volunteers