Off the Cushion Sac!
Meets weekly on Mondays 12:00-1:30pm
Our Intention: Connection & Action
Over the past months, I have often felt helpless, alone and afraid. The experience of gathering with others over our shared values and concerns is life-giving. This is a space for us to be in community and take action together.
Each gathering will include check-in and action.
We will use the resources provided by and
1. Get to know each other;
2. Commit to the values that will guide our work in the coming months and years; and
3. Plan and commit to our first action. Postcard #WhyIMarch
Space: The room is cozy & beautiful. There are chairs or cushions for floor seating. We will sit in a circle for check-in.
Tea & Snacks: Tea is available. Feel free to bring snacks to share and/or your own lunch to eat.
Materials: We will provide postcards, pens & stamps.
What to Bring: yourself, your heart, your hopes & fears, your journal.