Have you been meditating, attending classes or reading books on Buddhism? Are you interested in the philosophy presented by the Buddha? Buddhist philosophy can help many people in their daily life, even if they don’t identify as “Buddhist”. But what does it mean to be Buddhist? Taking Refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha is one of the ways to identify with being a buddhist. Join Geshe Tsultrim for this in depth series about what taking refuge means.
This class is open to the public and anyone is allowed to attend. If you would like to register (this helps us know how many to expect): https://bookwhen.com/diamondlightsac#focus=ev-smb9-20200602183000
6 Tuesdays June 2-July 7 6:30pm-8:30pm
Click on the Zoom link to join: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2247358115
Cost: Suggested donation of $10-$20 to cover the cost of the class and support the teacher. No one turned away for lack of funds. You can give online: https://www.diamondlightsac.org/donate/ or through Venmo: search “Diamond Light”
Geshe Lobsang Tsultrim is part of the Gaden Shartse Monastery in south India. “Geshe” is a degree that is earned after several years of intensive study and passing the highest-level exams. It is the monastic equivalent of a western “Ph.D.” degree. Having successfully passed these exams, Geshe Tsultrim is an expert on Buddhist philosophy. He is also a skilled artist, specializing in traditional Tibetan art. Geshe Tsultrim has been teaching in the United States since 2001. See Less