
Introduction to Tibetan Buddhist Practice and Prayers

Want to learn more about Tibetan Buddhist practices and prayers? Wondering what "practice" really means? In this half day workshop, you will learn practies that support your meditaiton nd study: […]

Learn Tibetan Buddhist Meditation

Evidence shows that even 5 minutes of meditation a day can go a long way to reduce stress, increase happiness, and sharpen focus. Sometimes it seems just getting to the […]

EcoDharma: Not Turning Away with Amie Diller

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the climate crisis? Are you finding it challenging to stay engaged creating change? Join Amie Diller as we explore how a Tibetan Buddhist practice can […]

EcoDharma: Not Turning Away with Amie Diller

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the climate crisis? Are you finding it challenging to stay engaged creating change? Join Amie Diller as we explore how a Tibetan Buddhist practice can help us live with and respond to all the challenges and emotions of “ecocide”. Together we examine how this crisis relates to our practice and […]

Cultivating Compassion Training – developed by Stanford University

Cultivating Compassion Training developed by Stanford University Discover Your Fearless Heart: Explore the power of compassion! With Seona Gwon Preregistration required for the 8-week course, not a drop in course, space is limited, register now: All of us have a natural capacity for compassion. However, everyday stress, social pressures, and strong emotions can make […]