
Letting Go of Fear and Judgement in a World Gone Mad

Our culture is experiencing a breakdown of civility because of heightened fear. Dualistic, in-group/out-group thinking is tearing our society apart. We are faced with necessary but difficult conversations about racism and sexism. In order to navigate this cultural moment, we need people who are spiritually evolved and able to keep their hearts open and supple […]

Letting Go of Fear and Judgement in a World Gone Mad

Our culture is experiencing a breakdown of civility because of heightened fear. Dualistic, in-group/out-group thinking is tearing our society apart. We are faced with necessary but difficult conversations about racism and sexism. In order to navigate this cultural moment, we need people who are spiritually evolved and able to keep their hearts open and supple […]

Letting Go of Fear and Judgement in a World Gone Mad

Our culture is experiencing a breakdown of civility because of heightened fear. Dualistic, in-group/out-group thinking is tearing our society apart. We are faced with necessary but difficult conversations about racism and sexism. In order to navigate this cultural moment, we need people who are spiritually evolved and able to keep their hearts open and supple […]

Breakfast for the Homeless

Join us for our 7th monthly Breakfast for the Homeless to feed 200+ homeless and hungry guests at the Friendship park! How you can help? Donate food* Donate money** Encourage local businesses to donate food or money Invite your friends and family to help relieve hunger in our community Serve This event is a fully […]

Serve Breakfast to Homeless Individuals at Friendship Park!

For most of the homeless folks in Sacramento breakfast is either non-existent or consists of a cheap coffee and a sugar-laden day-old pastry. Our passion and desire for everyone to have a nutritious breakfast each day of the week. We are teaming up with retired Executive Director of Loaves and Fishes, LeRoy Chatfield and other […]

Healing Prayers and Chants

This will be an evening of healing prayers, chants, and meditations. Chanting in harmony with Indian Tanpura and Tibetan singing Bowls with the intention to heal and spread joy and awakening of our hearts. There will be a group meditation sending out prayers for the healing of Sangha members, their loved ones, all other beings […]

Recipe for Happiness: A Spiritual Life Day by Day

Many people think of those having a spiritual life living away from the modern world, entrenched in solitude and study. It is possible to lead a fulfilling spiritual life within the lives we currently lead. Heather Breault will lead us into the New Year by discussing how to lead a spiritual life each day and […]

Creating a Bright Future

Create a strong intention and vision for your New Year. You will leave with a written statement, bullet points, or a paragraph, of your personal vision and intention for the New Year. You will learn how to incorporate this vision into a meditation practice that can be used to reset your intentions and aspirations throughout […]