
Emptiness: A Practical Course for Meditators with Ryan Caputi

Diamond Light Meditation Center 2791 24th Street, Room 14 (upstairs), Sacramento, CA

4 Wednesdays January 10, 17, 24, 31 6:30pm-8:30pm Based on the Wisdom Academy Course, Emptiness: A Practice Course for Meditators explores teachings on emptiness that point to a series of understandings and practices leading to deep insight and a radical experience of liberation. What You'll Learn: Why the Buddha considered the belief in self to […]

Emptiness: A Practical Course for Meditators with Ryan Caputi

Diamond Light Meditation Center 2791 24th Street, Room 14 (upstairs), Sacramento, CA

4 Wednesdays January 10, 17, 24, 31 6:30pm-8:30pm Based on the Wisdom Academy Course, Emptiness: A Practice Course for Meditators explores teachings on emptiness that point to a series of understandings and practices leading to deep insight and a radical experience of liberation. What You'll Learn: Why the Buddha considered the belief in self to […]

Dharma Movie Matinee: Travellers and Magicians

Diamond Light Meditation Center 2791 24th Street, Room 14 (upstairs), Sacramento, CA

Join us as we beat the heat on a Sunday afternoon and bring our dharma practice to the movies! Diamond Light will be showing Travellers and Magicians, written and directed by Khyentse Norbu. Light snacks provided, bring a snack to share if you are able! More about the movie: Travellers & Magicians (Dzongkha: ཆང་ཧུབ་ཐེངས་གཅིག་གི་འཁྲུལ་སྣང) is […]

Yoga: Mastering Sun Salutations

Diamond Light Meditation Center 2791 24th Street, Room 14 (upstairs), Sacramento, CA

Mastering Sun Salutations as the First Step to Create a Successful Daily Practice In order to be good at something, practice is the key, a consistent practice. Together, let’s explore the “how to” create a successful daily practice, follow through and avoid a burn out. What makes a successful daily practice? First, define your goal, […]

Mindfulness of Emotions with Sunil Joseph

Diamond Light Meditation Center 2791 24th Street, Room 14 (upstairs), Sacramento, CA

Emotions are messengers from our heart telling us how much something or someone matters to us. For instance, sadness arises when we lose something or someone we love. Anger arises when our boundaries are crossed. Gratitude arises when we feel seen and heard. When we fully receive the messages contained in our emotions, their work […]

Yoga Philosophy and Meditation

Diamond Light Meditation Center 2791 24th Street, Room 14 (upstairs), Sacramento, CA

Ancient Indian Yoga philosophy has close ties to Buddhism. Having a physical practice that supports our meditation and spiritual practice can be useful throughout our changing lives. Join Adelfa Samson as she leads us through meditation, a chair yoga practice and the benefits of yoga practice for a Dharma practice. Discover the benefits of chair […]

Thursday Night Sandwich Party! Making Breakfast for the Homeless

Diamond Light Meditation Center 2791 24th Street, Room 14 (upstairs), Sacramento, CA

Looking for something meaningful to do to fill a Thursday evening once a month? Come join us as we make sandwiches to serve at our 2nd Monday Homeless Breakfast at Friendship Park. What to Bring: Fixins for 30 sandwiches. Most loaves have 22-24 slices of bread making 11 or 12 sandwiches... So 3 loaves of […]

Emotional Tech: Cultivating Emotional Balance

Diamond Light Meditation Center 2791 24th Street, Room 14 (upstairs), Sacramento, CA

Emotional Tech: An introduction to Cultivating Emotional Balance. Feeling sometimes swept away by emotions? Explore how recognizing emotions and embodied states of emotion can facilitate genuine happiness for ourselves and those around us. In this brief introduction, over three Thursday evenings, we’ll discuss a Western scientific understanding of emotions, familiarize ourselves with the emotional episode […]

Yoga: Mastering Sun Salutations

Diamond Light Meditation Center 2791 24th Street, Room 14 (upstairs), Sacramento, CA

Mastering Sun Salutations as the First Step to Create a Successful Daily Practice In order to be good at something, practice is the key, a consistent practice. Together, let’s explore the “how to” create a successful daily practice, follow through and avoid a burn out. What makes a successful daily practice? First, define your goal, […]