
Breakfast for the Homeless

Join us to feed 200+ homeless and hungry guests at the New and Improved Friendship Park! Have you been craving to contribute to your community? Are you feeling disconnected and […]

Got Empathy? Communicating from the Heart

Empathy dispells separation and other-ness by connecting us to our shared humanity. The ability to "feel with" another is an important precursor for compassion. Join Sunil Joseph as we explore the use of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to cultivate empathy in our relationships - with self and other. No prior knowledge of NVC is necessary and […]

Kirtan with Radiant Friend

Join Radiant Friend for Kirtan, call and response chanting, a practice that unites us with our highest, happiest selves. We will repeat mantras--words, phrases and syllables-- to quiet our minds and allow the integration of the meaning of the mantras into our consciousness. $20 at the door (check or cash preferred), no one turned away […]

Kirtan with Radiant Friend at Diamond Light

Join Radiant Friend for Kirtan, call and response chanting, a practice that unites us with our highest, happiest selves. We will repeat mantras--words, phrases and syllables-- to quiet our minds and allow the integration of the meaning of the mantras into our consciousness. $20 at the door (check or cash preferred), no one turned away […]

Breakfast for the Homeless

Join us to feed 200+ homeless and hungry guests at the New and Improved Friendship Park at Loaves&Fishes! Have you been craving to contribute to your community? Are you feeling disconnected and alone? Would you like to see the impact little time and money can make on the lives of hundreds? JOIN US in providing […]