Foundations of Compassionate Communication 8 weeks: Thursdays 11/30/2017-1/25/2018 When compassion, warmth and generosity are natural qualities of the heart, why do we see so much violence in our world? According to Marshall Rosenberg, the violence comes from how we are taught to think and communicate. Our language prioritizes labeling, thinking over feeling what is genuinely […]
3 Tuesdays January 16, January 23 and January 30 6:30pm-8:30pm Interested in Tibetan Buddhism and don’t know where to start? Confused about the “who’s who” and “what’s what” of Buddhist thought and practice? This one's for you! - Get a brief overview of Tibetan Buddhist thoughts and practices. - Learn the cause of suffering and […]
4 Mondays, January 8 - February 5 closed Monday 15 for the holiday Have you made a New Year's resolution to try meditation, or to meditate more? Would receiving instruction and sitting with others help you reach your meditation goals? Then join us at Diamond Light in learning meditation together, supporting each other, and exploring […]
3 Tuesdays February 6th, 13th, and 20th 6:30pm-8:30pm "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- His Holiness the Dalai Lama There is solid, fascinating and ever-growing evidence based research showing that compassion & connectedness are good for us on many levels: psychologically, emotionally, […]
10 Wednesdays, January 10 - March 14 6:30pm-8:30pm It is not possible to succeed in the Mahayana path without strictly keeping each bodhisattva vow, and to keep those vows one must understand all 64 vows clearly. This Course is based upon Master Asanga's root text and its commentary called the Highway for Bodhisattvas (Jangchub Shunglam) […]
10 Wednesdays January 10 - March 14, 6:30pm-8:30pm To truly help others, we must understand the actions that help us, and the actions that hurt us. Becoming a Bodhisattva, or Spiritual Warrior will lead us to full enlightenment so we can help all other beings. Understanding and keeping the 64 Bodhisattva Vows will help us […]
Peaceful Living, Peaceful Dying: Spiritual and Practical Preparation for Death As spiritual seekers, we recognize the value of preparing for death. as we wish to live a meaningful life while facing death with as much confidence and consciousness as possible. Tibetan Buddhism provides a detailed guide and specific instructions for the death process, as well […]
4 Thursdays 3/8-3/29 6:30pm-8:30pm Do you sometimes feel like parts of you are at odds with each other? Do you feel stuck or uncertain in specific areas of your life due to these internal conflicts? Do you experience oppressive internal voices that are cruel or painful? In this 4 class series, we will learn to […]